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Top 6 Myths And Misconceptions About Africa

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Myths and misconceptions about Africa are commonplace in the West. On a recent episode of the American tv reality series, “Amazing Race”, one of the contestants exclaims, “There’s no snow in Africa!”. Well, in fact there is. This is just one example of the kinds of things many people think they know about Africa, but in fact have quite wrong.

Common myths and misconceptions may be formed and spread for a variety of reasons. They may in some cases seem entirely logical, and reflect general beliefs widely held. They may be widely disseminated sometimes by groups with a vested interest in having them believed without too much related discussion or investigation. And, at some level, some of us may, deep down, simply want to believe them.

Masai warrior at sunset.

Africa is not a country, but a continent. In fact it is the second largest, and second most populated, continent besides Asia. Africa has about 1 billion people and 61 different countries within it. So to end this misconception& Africa is definitely not a country!

This misconception does hold a small amount of truth to it, but nothing like what most people think. First of all, not all food in Africa is strange. It is not difficult to find a KFC or McDonald’s in many countries in Africa.

Poverty is obviously something that will strike you as a visitor to many African countries. But African countries are not all poor. It’s the distribution of wealth that’s the biggest problem. South Africa is an incredibly wealthy country. In fact its GDP outranks that of Belgium and Sweden. It has many natural resources, a good education system, excellent universities, sparkling business districts and very advanced hospitals. Unfortunately much of its population does not get to share the wealth.

Africa is dangerous and violent With wars, revolutions, pirates and child soldiers making the news, it’s really no wonder that the myth about Africa being a dangerous place is a common one but in actual fact there are many perfectly peaceful and safe places to visit.

African Politicians are all corrupt Corrupt politicians aren’t exactly unique to Africa, but the continent does seem to have more than its fair share. At least Nelson Mandela showed the world that Africa is capable of producing an honest leader.

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